Nobody can’t write Shayari easily but we tried to help you with how to write Shayari. In a general way, you can write Shayari when you get hurt or by listening many times to any Shayari over Google or any other media source. It may help or help you to get some ideas on how to write Shayari. When you are too happy & too sad, you would like to express that emotion differently or can say it through Shayari.

When you get feelings like that, take your pen or open notepad to write that to begin your first step. You can use online notepad tools or offline notepad to write your Shayari. Do not hesitate to write the words because the very first time, it will be a little awkward, but we continue to write the words. Next, we will figure out the correct way.

Now select the words you have written & try to use the synonyms to set a kind of lyric. So now you have found the emotion you want to write on & the language as well with the words which is meaning full & lyrical. It’s totally up to you whether you want to write four lines or attitude Shayari 2 lines. These days, attitude Shayari is in trend & easy to write for everyone. We have a huge collection of Boys Attitude Shayari on our website. You can take the examples from there for your reference. 
